Background checks are a process that protects your company from a host of factors that may hinder its success. Keep reading to learn why background checks are so important to your organization.
What Are Background Checks?
Before we delve into why background checks are important, let’s define what background checks are.
A background check is an exhaustive review of a person’s records, including but not limited to criminal record, education, employment history, as well as other past and current activities.
When it comes to background checks, it’s essential that you partner with a reliable company that uses advanced technology to ensure the best results. At Plexus Global, we provide pre-employment screening solutions of the highest quality to meet all your hiring needs.
Avoid Liability
When you hire a person whose skills and qualifications are dubious, you may be liable for any mistake they make on the job. Running a comprehensive background check helps you avoid liability issues and staves off negligent hiring concerns.
Ensure Job Competence
Hiring truly competent candidates is one of the best ways to build the success of your company. Background checks help you ensure that every member of your team has the necessary qualifications and professional experience to make a significant contribution to your organization.
Avoid Workplace Theft
Workplace theft is a widespread problem. According to a 2018 estimate, companies lose 5% of their revenue to internal fraud. While there are many strategies you can implement to deter workplace theft (we took a closer look at some of them in a previous post), background screening helps you identify individuals with a history of internal theft and fraud so you can nip the problem in the bud.
Improve Your Hiring Process
A solid background screening policy improves your hiring process because background checks are carried out according to uniform standards of quality, creating a level playing field and ensuring that you hire only the best candidates.
Learn More About Background Screening
These are some previous posts you may read to get more tips about how to successfully recruit outstanding candidates.
- 3 Resume red flags all hiring managers should keep in mind
- 4 Ideas to make the most of virtual recruitment
- How should coronavirus impact performance reviews
- Use these strategies to keep remote workers engaged
- 4 Benefits of Background Screening
- The basic do’s and don’ts of background screening
At Plexus Global we ensure global candidate screening through tailored solutions and the most reliable technology.
We are located in Riverside, California. Contact us today by telephone (844-516-1008), email, or through our social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to learn more about our services or schedule an initial discussion with one of our experienced professionals.