Photo of laptop with words "Search" displayed on the screen.

Do Background Checks Show Search History?

We live in a hyper-connected world, so it’s understandable to wonder if background checks show your internet search history. In today’s post, we address this question and offer some insights about the intersection of background screening and internet behavior. Do Background Checks Show Search History? Even though buzzwords like “big data” and “the internet of…

Photo of human shaking robot hand illustrates blog "How Can Artificial Intelligence Help Recruiters and Hiring Managers?"

How Can Artificial Intelligence Help Recruiters and Hiring Managers?

Talk of Artificial Intelligence is everywhere these days. Experts believe that this technology will revolutionize industries from real estate to finance. But can artificial intelligence help recruiters and hiring managers? Keep reading to find out.  How Can Artificial Intelligence Help Recruiters? Artificial intelligence (AI), defined as computer systems able to perform tasks once reserved to…

Woman looking at open folder illustrates blog "Are Background Checks Public Record?"

Are Background Checks Public Record?

A lot of people wonder if background checks are part of the public record. It makes sense because it’s always a good idea to know what information about you is freely available. So today’s blog post, we answer this question and share other useful facts about background screening. Are Background Checks Public Record? In itself,…

Photo of man holding clipboard illustrates blog: "Are Background Checks Confidential?"

Are Background Checks Confidential?

Pre-employment background checks are becoming the norm across many industries, so it’s natural to ask yourself: Are background checks confidential? Read on to discover the answer and learn more about background checks and background screening.  Are Background Checks Confidential? The short answer is yes, background checks are confidential. In fact, not only are background checks…