Every detail matters when it comes to hiring, and writing an effective job description is the first step to take for a hiring process that is smooth and satisfactory for all parties.
From proofreading advice to simple tricks to inspire readers, these are the guidelines to keep in mind when you write a job description.
Read the Job Description Through Your Candidates’ Eyes
Write your job description using a language that doesn’t discourage potential candidates that may have a different background than yours. For example, claiming that you are looking for a “ninja” amps up the cool factor of your company, but it may turn off some capable women and men who would be an asset for your team.
Read what you write through the eyes of all types of potential candidates. Failing to do so may cut you off from valuable pools of talent.
Ask Others to Read the Job Descriptions You Write
Having others read the job offers you write is a simple but effective way to ensure that your words appeal to a broad set of candidates (see above). Taking this step also wards off other problems such as typos, omissions, or factual inaccuracies. The more (and more diverse) people help you proofread the description, the better.
Make Sure the Language You Use Reflects Your Values
Using trite formulas and corporate clichés is another pitfall to avoid when you write a job description. This may be difficult because, after all, you probably read documents written in corporate-speak every day. However, making an extra effort to use language that reflects your actual values has many advantages:
- It shows candidates that you are an honest company that knows what it stands for.
- It will attract candidates with the right mindset, which is a win-win situation.
- Reflecting upon the values of your company enhances your own understanding of them.
Finally, remember that an effective job description aims to inform but also to inspire. This doesn’t mean that you have to be corny or use aggrandizing words. Every job meets a need that helps a group of people reach a goal. Describing what this goal is, and underlining the importance of the position to your company are simple ways to inspire those who read a job description.
Resources to Learn More About Hiring and Background Screening
These are some posts you may find interesting to learn more about the background screening industry:
- Avoid these 3 basic mistakes in your background screening process
- What employers should consider before reopening
- How to keep remote members of your team engaged
- What employers can do to prepare for the post-coronavirus world
- How to onboard employees remotely
- What questions to ask during a remote job interview
- How the pandemic will change the coronavirus landscape
When it comes to recruiting and background screening, take advantage of the expertise of a dependable company. At Plexus Global we ensure global candidate screening through tailored solutions and the most reliable technology.
We are a company offering background screening services in Riverside, California for a national customer base. Reach out by telephone (844-516-1008), email, or through our social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to learn more about our services or schedule an initial discussion with one of our experienced professionals.