One of the most difficult parts of the hiring process is rejecting job applicants and having to give them the bad news. Ask any talent acquisition agent and they will confirm this. However, it doesn’t have to be an awkward or unpleasant interaction. There are many useful tips we can follow that will help us improve the candidate experience while informing them of their unfavorable results.
When we are rejecting job applicants, we must inform them of the results as soon as possible. Also, when delivering the message, we should personalize the interaction. Besides, this is a great opportunity to provide and also ask for honest feedback. Lastly, we need to think about whether we will consider these applicants for another position in the future or not.
Let Them Know As Soon As Possible
Every company and business must treat their candidates with the same respect they expect from them. Thus, whenever we have to reject a candidate, we must inform them as soon as possible. Some companies tend to wait until they have interviewed every candidate. However, we must consider that applicants could miss the chance to apply somewhere else, or even reject other offers while waiting for your response. That’s why we should always inform them of the result of their process as soon as we have them.
Personalize the Interaction
A very important step to consider when rejecting job applicants is actually contacting them and sharing the news. Nevertheless, recruiters should keep in mind the importance of personalizing this interaction. The best way to do this is thinking about how far in the process they made it and act accordingly. For example, if we had a second or third interview with the candidate, contacting the candidate over the phone would be appropriate. However, if they didn’t make it through the early stage, an email would be acceptable. Just remember to be honest, mention any of their projects, and wish them luck.
Give and Ask for Honest Feedback
These situations always offer a chance to enhance our communication and provide honest feedback. Besides, it is well known that candidates appreciate receiving any feedback that can help them in the future. Our company shouldn’t miss this opportunity and ask for feedback, too. This way, we will be able to improve our hiring process and ensure we provide a great candidate experience, regardless of their results.
Don’t Burn the Bridge… Unless You Want to…
Last but not least, when we are rejecting job applicants, ending the process on a positive note is always recommended. There will be moments when a given candidate might be a good fit for our company, but the timing is not right. Also, wanting to keep the doors open for them to apply again in the future is perfectly valid. We should think of whether we would welcome their application in the future or not, and let the candidates know. This way, we also improve our candidate experience and employer brand at the same time.