Working as an HR manager comes with many challenges that we need to learn how to face, and making sure we have an efficient and effective hiring process might be one of the hardest ones. When we recruit new team members, we are not only adding new names to our payroll, but we are welcoming people into our teams. Choosing the right candidate will definitely help our business grow, but hiring the wrong candidate will have a negative, and quite costly, impact on our company.
They Affect the Rest of the Team
One of the biggest consequences of hiring the wrong candidate is the effect they can have on the rest of our team. They say one bad apple spoils the bunch, and this is definitely true when it comes to staff members. When an employee’s performance and attitude is far from what it is expected, the rest of the team will suffer from it. They might have to cover up for someone else’s mistake, having extra work to do and possibly staying after their shift to make up for a slacking coworker.
They Can Scare Customers Away
Hiring the wrong candidate will not only affect the rest of the team in many ways, but it will also have a negative impact on customers. Having the wrong attitude and lacking the willingness to help can be more than enough to make customers think twice before doing business with our company again. We know that gaining a new customer costs more than keeping existing ones, and hiring the wrong candidate will make it hard for us to achieve both.
Waste of Training and Management Time
New hires represent a significant amount of resources that the company must spend, from the selection and interviewing process to their training and management. Therefore, hiring the wrong candidate who will either resign or be terminated shortly after their hire ends up being a waste of time and money. That’s why it is important for HR managers to work on developing an efficient and effective selection and screening process. This way, they will be able to avoid hiring a candidate who will end up wasting the company’s time.
The Can Give HR a Bad Reputation
Everybody makes mistakes, and this includes HR managers. Every once in a while, we will come across candidates who might seem ideal to cover a given position during the interview process, only to end up showing their true colors after they have signed the contract. However, when we show a pattern of incorrect hires, these mistakes will give our HR department, and our company, a really bad reputation, as bad employees will represent our brand poorly.
They Cause Unnecessary Turnover Expenses
Just as selecting, interviewing, hiring, and training candidates represent a significant cost for our company, unnecessary turnover expenses can be another problem for our business that results from hiring the wrong candidate. From the termination to the liquidation and severance pay we must process, high levels of employee turnover can add up quite easily, especially in the case of recently hired employees.